Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

back painBack pain is regarded probably one of the most reported problems in the recent past. According to survey by various medical experts, it is considered that over 60% of the people have suffered from back pain in one way or another, and hence visiting physicians for recommended treatment. If you are suffering from back pain that may have been caused by a particular reason, it would be essential to get comprehensive treatment from qualified physicians. Comprehensive medication means that you will need to get treatment from various back pain doctors and several of them include the following:



back painPhysiotherapist -This is one of the most vital health practitioners which you may need to work with when seeking comprehensive back pain treatment. A physiotherapist is not a trained medical doctor but he plays significant part in ensuring that you recover swiftly and effectively after an injury or undergoing surgery on a particular part of your body. Primarily, this type of specialist is usually prescribed the medical physician as a way of rounding out the treatment plan.


Chiropractor – Th1-Chiro-Symbolis is also another primary specialist needed in-comprehensive back pain management. A chiropractor essentially manages pain using remedy and non-alternative traditional approaches. Generally, a chiropractor will deal with issues related to your muscular and neurons. The treatment this kind of specialist provides seeks at improving flexibility and reducing pain by fine-tuning to restore the spine.


back pain 3Psychotherapist – A psychotherapist is a special type of professional who will normally deal with evaluating your psychology during medication. It is also important to have this kind of expert during your medication process so as to help in motivating you as well as guiding you on various aspects. Often, when you have undergone a painful surgery or suffered a precarious back injury, a psychotherapist will certainly help you in getting positivity in life as well as understanding that the pain is not the be all and end all.

pain managementOrthopedist – an orthopedist is a kind of medical doctor that have been trained in dealing with musculoskeletal complications. They are usually helpful in treating a wide range of disorders that affect the musculoskeletal structure thereby making them integral specialist in treating back pain problems. They help in providing such treatments through medication as well as through corrective surgery.
Pain management1Anesthesiologist – Another very important back pain specialist that would be indispensable in dealing with comprehensive back pain management is anesthesiologist. They play critical role in ensuring that the patient does not feel severe pain during and after undergoing surgery or suffering from a serious injury. They are normally useful because they provide corrective measures that enable the client to withstand the surgical process without feeling the pain. This is because they understand how to include a large variety of elements that will make it relatively difficult for the casualties to feel the pain during such situations. This sort of back pain specialist is also fundamental because they help in reducing the pain that the patient could possibly encounter as they heal from such ordeals. If you are based in Chicago area, you should read about following website listed below:

Pain Management Chicago














The doctors at pain management Chicago has a vast experience and  provides  services that can cure  different types

of pain .



It’s frustrating when pain has an impact on the entire body.
The joints, the back and the hips react often making even the simplest movement
difficult. While it’s a known fact that OTC (Over-the Counter) and prescription
drugs are the first choice for pain, however there’s a large section of individuals
who prefer complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) therapies for natural
pain relief. Therapies, such as yoga, massage, and mind-body techniques, are
widely used in conjunction with medication to reduce the pain symptoms – providing
a break in the stress-pain link to achieve more physical flexibility and easier
movements. Learn more on how to get natural pain relief with
alternative methods:


This should be noted
that there are different alternative treatments for different kinds of pain.

The first and foremost is exercise. Move as much as
possible, walk more, take stairs, go for a run.


Practicing yoga is absolutely beneficial for pain relief. When
you stretch and hold poses, you’ll be able to balance the mind, body, and spirit,
consequently building strength and stabilizing joints wherever possible. Study
has also suggested that yoga is in fact more effective for managing chronic
lower back pain. However, be cautious when doing yoga as some stretches/
posture could aggravate pain conditions. Always start with simple and gentle


One can also go for Acupuncture, a procedure where fine
needles are inserted into the skin in order to unblock the energy channels and
leave the room for energy flow throughout the body. Acupuncture also increases
the release of feel-good chemicals, endorphins, which helps block pain.


Massage does not only have therapeutic benefits for chronic
pain but it also aids in the release of endorphins. As the pressure is applied
to the soft tissues of the body, it increases the range of motion in the joints
and helps relieve tension and improve the circulation.


Practicing meditation will allow people to relax tense
muscles, reduce anxiety, and alter their mental state and perception regarding
pain sensations.

Prolotherapy is another fine example of modern technique to
reduce the intensity of chronic pain. It’s a procedure where an irritant is
injected into soft tissues – producing a proliferation of inflammation in the
area and promoting healing at the same time.


Guided imagery approach can help to control pain by encouraging
individual suffering from chronic pain to imagine pictures that diminishes
negative thoughts raising the levels of good brain chemicals. This helps in
decreasing anxiety and improving the immune system. Plus, the process also
allows the mind to direct the body’s energy better in order to active pain


You can try for Biofeedback therapy that uses a variety of
relaxation techniques and instruments to monitor your body’s responses to a
particular therapy. The therapy trains the body to consciously regulate
autonomic functions such as heart rate and blood pressure giving you the
freedom to control your pain gradually.

These therapies produce effective results when being
performed under the guidance of professionals. So if you hail from Las Vegas and you are suffering from an unwanted pain then pain management doctors in Las Vegas
come in the picture for your pain relief.

If you are suffering from long-term back pain, you can attend a specialist pain clinic Orange County that has the best pain management doctors in Orange County. The program involves a combination of therapy, exercises, relaxation and imparting knowledge about pain and its psychology.

1. Downward-Facing Dog


2. Child’s Pose


3. Pigeon Pose


4.Triangle Pose


5. Cat and Cow Pose


6. Upward Forward Bend


7. Upward-Facing Dog


Image Credit:

Research says that yoga might be a more effective treatment for back pain than traditional methods.

Posted: July 21, 2015 in Uncategorized
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Whiplash Overview from a Top Pain Management Center.

Millions of whiplash cases occur annually in the US due to either car accidents, sports injuries and more. Proper treatment with a top Seattle pain center is crucial to help achieve pain relief and avoid the pain becoming chronic.

The top pain clinics are available through the whole USA. One of the most famous clinic amongst them is Seattle Pain Clinic in Washington

For complete pain management solutions, visit your nearest Pain Management Clinic

Chronic Pain Management:

If you are currently coping with chronic pain, familiarize yourself with how it can affect your psychological health and follow the four tips below to manage your pain and improve your well-being.

Here are the Tips