Want To Become A Sports Medicine Doctor?

Posted: August 14, 2015 in Back Pain, Injury, shoulder Injury, Sports Doctor
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Being a sports doctor is a really interesting and entertaining and unique job that is exciting and allows sports fans to interact with the game and at the same time provide medical attention to athletes. Sports medicine doctors work in numerous settings, including hospitals, clinics, and for sports teams including college and professional athletes. Sports doctors are skilled professionals who have attended medical school, and are also licensed to treat, diagnose and assist in prevention of sports injuries. Many sports medicine doctors focus on joint and muscle health, but they also offer regular medical care to athletes of who they might be exactly working closely with.

Education Requirements:

sportsPeople who are interested in becoming sports medicine doctors would need to first complete high school and apply to college to gain a bachelor’s degree. Students who are interested in the field often take pre-med classes as a discipline for their bachelor’s degree. A B.A. degree in pre-med allows students to study chemistry, biology and physics, and prepares students to get into medical school. Medical school applications are incredible competitive, so students need to focus and get excellent marks in college to have a better change of getting into medical school. Students also should take the MCAT test in order to apply to med school. The MCAT test surveys the abilities of the student in the sciences along with other related areas of study.

After acceptance to medical school, students will complete four or more years of study to earn their Doctor of Medicine (MD) or Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO) title. In medical school, students will study four years of courses, inclusive of biochemistry, anatomy, physiology, pharmacology and much more. Medical students also do a clinical residency in an attempt to gain hands on experience in diverse medical settings in hospitals and clinics.

Those students who might wish to pursue sports medicine will go on to gain a certificate of added qualification in sports medicine. This qualification includes two years of work as a fellow at a rehab facility, at an athletic center or for a sports team, or at a sports medicine facility. In this training, students are affiliated with sports related injuries and will learn how to treat the most common and varied athletic injuries. They are able to also learn how to deal with trauma and serious injuries, and can have instruction in nutrition, rehab techniques, and other related areas.


All sports medicine doctors should be licensed and certified to practice in their state. Licensing is essential to fair and legal practice. Additional certifications can be obtained as added continuing education proof.

sports doctorsA student who is looking to ramp up their career as a sports medicine doctor should be aware of the dedication of time and money, as well as the education requirements. Becoming a sports medicine doctor will want at least six years of post-graduate schooling, including time in hospitals, clinics and rehabilitation centers. Quite a number sports medicine doctors work directly for college or professional sports teams, traveling with them to all of their games and treating athletes during games and practices. Other people in the field work at rehabilitation or treatments center, hospitals and clinics.

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