Different kinds of Tendon Injuries by Sports Doctor

Posted: August 13, 2015 in Injury
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Tendons are used by the exo-skeletal system to generate all contractions of the interconnected muscles to the bones. Due to this intricate function tendons need to have excellent tensile strength. Tendons come in various shapes including sheet like-aponeurosis and latissimusdorsi, often even pencil like structures in the biceps.

Tendon injuries

Tendon injuries  pain management clinicians state that tendon injuries are quite commonplace especially in athletes and industrial workers. They highlighted that injuries among all patients who are undergoing drug rehab in boulder are quite expose to tendon injuries. In most cases nothing happens to the muscle fibers but the tendons get damaged internally and often conditions like tendinosis and tenosynovitis arise. A doctor from the pain management Colorado clinic mentioned that these two conditions have become uncontrolled in the recent past with most injuries being caused due to a mismatch in the physical attributes in workers and the kind of physical traits required for jobs in industries which involve a lot of heavy lifting and other activities that cause considerable strain to the body.


doctor from fort collins pain clinic stated in his research that most of these conditions are not really injuries but conditions that arise out of overexertion of the body. Due to injuries being rampant even workers compensation doctor are busy tending to these tendon related injuries. Let’s take a look at these two major types of tendon injuries.

Every personal injury doctor is well versed in fixing issues with tendons, especially Tendinosis. With the industries in Colorado being as big as every Tendinosis has really become one of the top tendon related conditions in the recent past. Tendinosis is an inflammatory condition as a result of the fibers in tendons tearing. In most cases Tendinosis arises out of overexertion of the tendons but it is usually a rare condition.



Tenosynovitis can be another chronic condition that is seen and is regarded as an injury. Tenosynovitis often arises out of the irritation in tendons and it affects the surrounding synovial health. Tenosynovitis affects the tendons terribly and often leads to extremities. Tenosynovitis frequently happens in the biceps and also in the tendon sheaths. The condition doesn’t allow the tendons to move freely inside the sheaths and causes immense pain.
Sometimes excess friction can also make the tendon stick to its sheath and roughen the surface. It limits the natural movement of the body in damaged places and causes grating sensations. It can cause a lot of suffering if it arises in the back bone. Back pain doctors believe that it’s difficult to identify between the tendon and the sheath in some cases and requires surgery.

Avulsions are acute tendon injuries caused by abundance loads on tendons. This condition refers to conditions where tendons are forcibly torn away from their attachment sites in bones. In most cases the surrounding fibers are not affected that will make diagnosis quite difficult.

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